Silverspots: A Sexy Man

I am writing about the sexiest user alive. He is "Silverspots."
he is so sexy he had to get a sexieness reduction but it just could not help hold back his sexieness.
when he came back to chat after the reduction everybody on chat was still shocked by how sexy he was and could not hold back how eroused they where and they all chaced after sexy silver.
the users all got tired and shouted at sexy silver "Silver please let us behold your sexiness!" Silver replied by saying "k."
he unleashed all his sexiness upon chat and at that moment the universe had a sexiness overload.
then the chat was destroyed and Cleric said "Damnit sexy Silver y u destroy universe with sexiness?" then Silver was so sexy that chat all snuck up on Silver and did certain things that should not be mentioned. The end.
^The beutiful sexy Silvers lovely avatar.